
Crossplatform source code (C++11) to handle Ctrl+C event in custom functions. Supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

Getting Started

To catch Ctrl+C event/signal you should call:

unsigned int CtrlCLibrary::SetCtrlCHandler(std::function<bool(enum CtrlCLibrary::CtrlSignal)> handler);

handler — custom handler;

Return: Returns handler identifier, or CtrlCLibrary::kErrorID in case of error.

To remove handler you should call:

void CtrlCLibrary::ResetCtrlCHandler(unsigned int id);

id — handler identifier, returned by CtrlCLibrary::SetCtrlCHandler.


You should copy source files (src/ctrl-c.h, src/ctrl-c.cpp) to your project.

Example of usage

Source file test/main.cpp contains example of usage Ctrl+C code. You can compile the example by your favourite C++ compiler.


Evgeny Kislovevgenykislov.com, github/evgenykislov


This project is licensed under the MIT License — see the LICENSE file for details


You can add a few handlers for Ctrl+C processing. All handlers will be called in LIFO order: first added handler will be called at last. Each handler should return bool value:

  • true — to stop processing by other handlers;
  • false — to continue processing by other handlers (also, see notes for Windows below).

The functions to set, reset and handle event are thread-safe. Warning: You shouldn’t remove handler from handler code. It will cause deadlock.


Adding a new handler can return error id (kErrorID) in case of system error or lack of memory.


The code processes its errors (and any bad_alloc into SetCtrlCHandler call). In this case it will return error identifier (kErrorID). Other exceptions aren’t processed — you should catch them by your code.

Linux and Mac OS X notes

Setting any handler will cause a previous handler will not work. If first setting causes error, previous handler will not work too — OS will use DEFAULT handler. Removing of all handlers causes set DEFAULT handler for Ctrl+C.

Windows notes

If all handlers return false, a previous handler will be called. It can be default OS handler and your process will be closed.